"New-Method" No. 18

to Japanese

"New-Method" No. 18

We introduce the email bulletin "New-Method" No. 18 with our works and guest contributions.  This issue features Taxxaka for the contributor, an artist advocating Total Senseist (Zenkankaku) School with its booklet "Zenkankaku" to be released.


Method and New-Method seen through Monte Hellman films
Taxxaka (Artist/Total Senseist School)

*The essay refers to the film booklet of "ROAD TO NOWHERE" (publisher: boid).

In 2012, a legendary film director Monte Hellman released a new work "ROAD TO NOWHERE" for the first time in the last 21 years.  Along with its screening in Japan, a new print of the legendary New-Hollywood film "TWO-LANE BLACKTOP" was also screened.  Although "ROAD TO NOWHERE" adopted schemes from Film noir, Hellman says the word is a taboo in Hollywood.

While the shooting of "ROAD TO NOWHERE" was conducted in a journey from North Carolina to L.A., "TWO-LANE BLACKTOP" was shot first in L.A. then located through the road toward Tennessee/North Carolina, which makes these two films connected in a circle.

In "ROAD TO NOWHERE" a cinematographer Josep M. Civit realized a vision very close to "Three-strip IB Technicolor back in the 1950s "with a digital camera Canon 5D MARK II.  "TWO-LANE BLACKTOP" is said to be one of a few last works filmed with IB Technicolor.

In "TWO-LANE BLACKTOP", a story of two cars driving over the futile love, the characters are given very iconic names such as "the driver", "the mechanic" or "the girl".  Laurie Bird, who played "the girl" was then seventeen.  She was a beautiful hippie girl just like the role she played.  "ROAD TO NOWHERE" is dedicated to Laurie.

[Web Works of the New-Methodicists]

- Takahiro Hirama

"Broadway Boogie Woogie" Piet Mondrian


"Broadway Boogie Woogie" is the work that Piet Mondrian produced.

- Shogo Baba

Quantity and Border No. 2


Quantity and border are inextricably linked together.  The concept of quantity is conceived as a state where a certain event constitutes a sequence, and between those sequences becomes a border.  The number is the sequence of a certain event.  With its border not explicitly defined though, this work manifests two sequences.  This work represents the quantity and the border of 'Ascending Order Sort No. 2 "Shaker Sort".'

- Masaru Kaido

Screw Link Collection -Kaido links to the screw, or can't.-


I collected images of the screw in this work, following the previous work with the cactus.  This link collection makes sense as long as it collects of a certain object, and the collected objects have no meaning as works in themselves.  Also, the selection of the collected objects, such as the cactus or the screw, is based on Kaido's random and arbitrary judgment.


- "Name Card"  http://7x7whitebell.net/new-method/namecard_e.html

- "New-Method" will perform in "supersense" (15th Apr. 2012, HIGURE 17-15 cas, Tokyo) http://bigakkobar.jp/supersense/

- "New-Method in SPES LaB." http://7x7whitebell.net/new-method/speslab_e.html

- "New-Method" official webpage has been updated.  http://7x7whitebell.net/new-method/

- Takahiro Hirama has updated his website.  http://hrmtkhr.web.fc2.com/

- Shogo Baba has updated his website.  http://7x7whitebell.net/

- Masaru Kaido has updated his website.  http://masarukaido.com/

- If you would like to receive the email bulletin "New-Method," please let us know.

- This bulletin is free to redistribute while all rights are reserved.

- This bulletin will sometimes be sort into the spam folder.  Please be reminded.

[Editor's Note]

I received "Name Card" delivered from the New "New-Method".  They exchanged the cards in the performance at the event on 17th March.  It is natural to exchange the name card when we greet each other for the first time.  It is correct indeed.  See you again in the next issue.  (M)


Takahiro Hirama @qwertyu1357

Shogo Baba @shogobaba

Masaru Kaido @kaido1900

Bulletin "New-Method" No. 18 English Version

Published on Apr.  4, 2012
