"New-Method" No. 27

to Japanese

"New-Method" No. 27

We introduce the email bulletin "New-Method" with our works and guest contributions.  This issue No. 27 features a fortune telling of the name "New-Method," instead of a guest contribution, by Tomohisa Nabeta, a fortune teller who has continued fortune telling on the corner of Shibuya streets in Tokyo for more than 15 years.


Fortune Telling on "New-Method"
Tomohisa Nabeta(Fortune Teller)

I see, this name sounds quite good. It's powerful. The group of this name has very high power, originally born under Art and Entertainment star.

Art and Entertainment star helps people make success in show business or academic fields, needless to say, art as well.  Your character will not be always welcomed, so people will either like or dislike you very clearly.  I think this is a good group name as long as you'll try to maintain your own way of life in a rather brighter world.  Art and Entertainment star is well-suited for jobs in the brighter world like showbiz, or also job fields relied on individual play, including design and technology.

Speaking it as a company name, this name has a variety of patterns, for example, being compatible with manufacturing that requires patience for slow progress, or having a character welcomed in the brighter world like design, or becoming a leading figure with many people trusting you, like a fortune teller, and so on.

And this name has an element of gathering people, so much powerful with high power and quick moves, sometimes hasty in drawing conclusions, which makes you capable of gathering people and achieving something very early.

For good and bad, this name has strong fortune for honor, and the name itself will bring fame to you.  That's why this name has advantage for jobs relied on individual performance, and jobs with both utility and interest, such as scholars, doctors, lawyers, consultants and the likes.

As the name suggests, you would not make your effort going nowhere at all.

[Web Works of the New-Methodicists]

- Takahiro Hirama

Pure Title Work No.1


The basic structure of Pure Title Work is same as the one of No Work Work.

- Shogo Baba

Input and Output No. 3


An output from an input always stays constant.  The input is arbitrary, and the output is necessary.  This work represents the input and output of this text itself.

- Masaru Kaido

126 photos lined-up in 42 by 3


Following the previous work, I lined up photos into 3 columns and multiple rows.  I used the photos from a trip to west Japan during my student days.  Since I took 126 photos then, it resulted in 42 rows.  Although it is possible to feel following the trip by watching photos one by one in order, it is free not to.


- "New-Method" official webpage has been updated.  http://7x7whitebell.net/new-method/

- Takahiro Hirama has updated his website.  http://hrmtkhr.web.fc2.com/

- Shogo Baba has updated his website.  http://7x7whitebell.net/

- Masaru Kaido has updated his website.  http://masarukaido.com/

- If you would like to receive the email bulletin "New-Method," please let us know.

- This bulletin is free to redistribute while all rights are reserved.

- This bulletin will sometimes be sort into the spam folder.  Please be reminded.

[Editor's Note]

Tomohisa Nabeta says he is always in front of Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation office on Shibuya Bunkamura street.  Would you like to visit him? See you again in the next issue. (M)


Takahiro Hirama @qwertyu1357

Shogo Baba @shogobaba

Masaru Kaido @kaido1900

Bulletin "New-Method" No. 27 English Version

Published on Feb. 4, 2013
