"New-Method" No. 52

to Japanese

"New-Method" No. 52

We introduce the email bulletin "New-Method" No. 52 with our works and guest contributions. This issue features Akira Aoki for the contributor, a curator, who also makes case studies on alternative spaces.


Moving in and out of spiid
Akira Aoki (Curator)

In June of 2016, I started "spiid," an atelier-and-residence space in Sumida ward, Tokyo, together with an artist friend Naoki Okumura.

I didn't have particularly long relationship with him, and we founded the space together without any specific motivations or common objectives. Introduced the vacant place when with Okumura by chance, we chatted over possibilities of the space in a drinking party on that evening, so excitedly that we decided "Too good to just discuss, let's make it happen." That's how it started.

Renting the space in April, we started occasional renovation, which, however, might be too moderate to use the word. Although some called it DIY, both of us didn't feel comfortable with the label, and I'm more attached to the word "spiid [as speed]" that matches improvised reconstruction of the space with no blueprint.

The first exhibition there was in August. With two other nearby alternative spaces, "Awoba Soh" and "float," also holding their exhibitions, many people seemed visiting all the three spaces. In the neighborhood were also summer festivals in parks and primary schoolyards, and exhibiting artists and visitors could cruise them with beer in their hands, even joining Bon-dance [Japanese folk dance], fully enjoying the air of summer vacation.

Although each space is small, those facilities are dotted all within walking distance and linked through organic flows, invoking a feeling that the area appears as a plane. Without being centralized, those facilities scattered across a town can form buoyancy to support the area's cultural milieu. It would be a synthesis of being synchronized to the local over time and willing to keep moving to be free of any locality.

[Web Works of the New-Methodicists]

- Takahiro Hirama

Something Does Something with Something


No description.

- Shogo Baba

Meanings and Displays No. 1


HTML, used on web sites, gives meanings to sentences/words/characters, which hold independence from their signs on display. This work changes the meanings of a web page, making them unhinged for the viewer.
This work changes the meanings used in the web work "Multi-Layered Matrix of Numbers No. 1."
(cf.) "Multi-Layered Matrix of Numbers No. 1" http://7x7whitebell.net/new-method/shogobaba/040_e.html

- Masaru Kaido

Building a little bigger muscle


Is it possible to build up the muscle of hands and fingers bigger by typing a keyboard or using a smartphone? In this work, I try to have a little greater muscle by typing a keyboard with my fingers.
Let's get started now. Type the key "A" 10 times with the forefinger of the right hand. Then hit "Enter" key, and complete 3 sets of this!


- "New-Method" official webpage has been updated.  http://7x7whitebell.net/new-method/

- Takahiro Hirama has updated his website.  http://qwertyupoiu.archive661.com/

- Shogo Baba has updated his website.  http://7x7whitebell.net/

- Masaru Kaido has updated his website.  http://masarukaido.com/

- If you would like to receive the email bulletin "New-Method," please let us know.

- This bulletin is free to redistribute while all rights are reserved.

- This bulletin will sometimes be sort into the spam folder.  Please be reminded.

[Editor's Note]

"Artificial Intelligence Art and Aesthetics Research Group," in which all the three New-Method members participate, will convene the third conference on October 16, 2016, inviting two guests, a gaming AI engineer Yoichiro Miyake and a psychiatrist Tamaki Saito. http://www.aloalo.co.jp/ai/research/r003.html (New-Method)


Takahiro Hirama @qwertyu1357

Shogo Baba @shogobaba

Masaru Kaido @kaido1900

Bulletin "New-Method" No. 52 English Version

Published on Oct. 4, 2016
