"New-Method" No. 1

to Japanese

"New-Method" No. 1

We, the three New-Methodicists, drafted and publicized the New-Methodicist Manifesto on September 4, 2010.  Now we have established our email bulletin "New-Method" to be distributed from October 4.  We plan to publish the bulletin on 4th of every month with a contribution by the guest.  This bulletin issue #1 features Mazshit Manab with Rad.Commons, the art critic and gallerist of TANA to be newly opened in October.


Tasteless Art
Mazshit Manab (Rad.Commons)

Let's say Methodicism in short is tasteless art.

To be more accurate, it is a reductionism that excludes the taste in order to distill methodological logics penetrating various forms of diverse genres.  While formalist reduction of the form ended up with material essence, Methodicist reduction of the method is deliberately designed to end up with structural essence.  It bears no taste like revolutionary zeal or therapeutic ease, but this absence is not a narcissistic gesture to provoke pathetic sentiment particular to pop-nihilism or pop-cynicism.  The taste is absent just as a technical requirement to meet the imperative that Methodicism desires nothing but the method.

New-Methodicism is new to the first Methodicism movement that finally failed to manage playful creativity of artists with their own histories and identities.  Having turned this tasteful human drama into the "old," New-Methodicism aligns its agents as the New-Methodicist compliant with its dogma, eliminating symptoms of drama in advance.

Thus New-Methodicism is definitely tasteless, especially as a spice of humane human life.  To the innocent eyes of sentimental art people gifted with transcendental intuition somehow capable of tasting everything with hyper-productive interpretation, New-Methodicism must appear helplessly tasteless.  But it is far less humiliating than being tasteful to them, since New-Methodicism is to implement Methodicism, tasteless by definition, in both theory and practice.

[Web Works of the New-Methodicists]

- Takahiro Hirama

Ten kinds of Arabic numerals in the decimal system aligned in ascending order


Ascending order is an order to arrange numbers from the smallest to the largest.

The decimal system is a system that sets ten to be its base.

Arabic numerals are numerals with the ten digits; 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

- Shogo Baba

camera in mirror, or mirror on camera


cam-e-ra / a piece of equipment used to take photographs or make films or television programmes

mir-ror / a piece of special glass that you can look at and see yourself in

from Longman English Dictionary

- Hideki Nakazawa

Source and Execution No. 1 - 4


I have long thought that a source program itself, rather than the result of its execution, is supposed to be a work of art.  In the same way, I have still thought that an HTML document itself, rather than its actual appearance on the web browser, is supposed to be a work of art.  "Source and Execution" is a work which juxtaposes "Source" and "Execution," namely an HTML document and its appearance on the web browser.


- New-Method on TANA (Oct. 10 - Oct. 20, 2010 TANA _ Gallery Bookshelf) http://7x7whitebell.net/new-method/tanagallery_e.html

- Exchange Intervention (Sep. 21, 2010) http://7x7whitebell.net/new-method/intervention_e.html

- "New-Method" official webpage has been updated. http://7x7whitebell.net/new-method/

- Takahiro Hirama has not updated his website.  http://hrmtkhr.web.fc2.com/

- Shogo Baba has not updated his website. http://7x7whitebell.net/

- Hideki Nakazawa has updated his website. http://aloalo.co.jp/nakazawa/

[Editor's Note]

How did you find the first issue of "New-Method"?  You might find it simple unlike other email magazines, but I think this simple style itself will show what the New-Methodicist is like.  (Kaido)


Takahiro Hirama @qwertyu1357

Shogo Baba @shogobaba

Hideki Nakazawa @nakaZAWAHIDEKI


Masaru Kaido @kaido1900

Bulletin "New-Method" No. 1 English Version

Published on Oct. 4, 2010
